How Do I Get My Child Interested in Science?

Get My Child Interested in Science Tip #1: Answer Questions
Children have a wonderful quality that will help you instill an interest in science. Here it is: They are naturally curious! Children are born with a drive to explore the world around them. Think about it. If you’re a parent reading this, you likely remember ‘child-proofing’ your home. Why? To keep your little one from getting into something that could hurt them.
Kids don’t know how much of the world around them works. So they stick their hands in things, taste stuff they’re not supposed to, and the list goes on. As they get older, this drive to eat and play with things turns into questions. Your child may grill you with questions like, “Why is the sky blue?” or “Why do cats and dogs have tails?”
To help foster a love of science, spend some time with your child when they ask such questions. As you answer their questions, encourage their curiosity. Lean into it. And if you don’t know the answer, you and your child can find the answers together!
Get My Child Interested in Science Tip #2: Find Fun Science Shows
Many people grow up believing science is dry or boring. Not true! Science can be as fun or MORE fun than anything else your child does. It’s all in how science is presented. With that in mind, find some fun yet educational TV shows to watch.
Many grownups became hooked on science when they discovered “MythBusters” on the Discovery channel. Bill Nye has turned tens of thousands of children into eager fans of science. My point? Rather than allow your child to watch brain cell-killing television shows, introduce them to fun yet educational shows.
Get My Child Interested in Science Tip #3: Visit Your Library
Remember to take advantage of your town’s most underutilized resource. By visiting your local library you can find stacks of books about science. You’ll find books right at your child’s reading comprehension. And you’ll find books with an almost unlimited supply of fun and messy experiments to try!
This brings up another point. For kids to get interested in science, they gotta get their hands dirty…literally! Science is fun but it can also be messy. The key is allowing your child to have that messy time. And remember, messy experiments can be a great bonding experience for you and your child!
Get My Child Interested in Science Tip #4: STEM Camps
Did you know they have STEM and science camps? It’s true, and they are incredibly fun! These camps are a way to immerse your child in science in fun ways that are safe, supervised, and extremely hands-on. Classes for your child’s age make it easy to enroll them in the perfect program.
And here’s the best part: getting your child into a science camp is a wonderful way to keep them reading and engaged in learning during the summer. By staying mentally active and in a learning mindset, you’ll help your child reduce the dreaded “summer slide,” where kids slide academically when they don’t actively learn over the summer months.
Incredible Science Fun…for Your Entire School
Want an easy way to engage your child’s entire school? My “Supermarket Science” STEM school assembly is filled with goofy, silly science fun. With sound effects, crazy experiments, and up to a dozen volunteers, this show will be the STEM assembly program highlight of your school year! Contact me today for more information.