How to Encourage Creativity in Children

Creativity is incredibly important for child development. Creativity stimulates the mind. Creativity is critical for productivity, in ovation, and much more. But often adults may struggle to encourage creativity in their children. Fortunately, there are simple things we as adults can do to encourage more creativity in our children.
I’m school assembly performer Michael Kirschner. For the last 10 years, I’ve delivered educationally significant school assemblies on bullying and science to schools in Florida, Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, and other states. My goal is to help busy parents and school administrators with these articles.
We know creativity is important. But how do we nurture it?
Encouraging Creativity in Kids Tip #1: Ask Open-Ended Questions
First, look at the things that interest your child. Once you find out what they like, ask them why they like that particular thing. Then start asking open-ended questions. Open-ended questions require more thought than a simple yes or no answer.
Let’s say you are talking to your child. You find out they recently became interested in space exploration. Don’t simply ask them if they like space. That will likely get you a simple yes or no answer. Instead, ask them what they like about space exploration.
Most importantly, show an interest in what they are doing. Ask them to explain things to you.
Encourage Creativity in Kids Tip #2: Give Your Child a Creative Space
If your child has discovered something they enjoy, give them the space to explore the topic. Literally! Give them an area to play and try new things involving their interest.
If they like space exploration, get them a telescope. Or visit a museum. If they enjoy painting or other kinds of art, set them up a studio. You can set them up in a corner of their room, the garage, the basement, etc. Be sure to stress safety at all times, regardless of what their interests are.
Encourage Creativity in Kids Tip #3: Take a Trip to the Library
Your local library is a wonderful way to encourage creativity in your child. Your library will likely have plenty of resources that offer plenty of fun for that topic. Your library is a fun way to get them deeply involved in an interest. Besides, any way to get your child away from their screens is a good thing!
But your library has plenty of resources aside from books. Unlike decades past, libraries are much more than just a repository for dusty old books. Libraries are now cultural epicenters for many communities.
Libraries offer a wealth of ways to engage with children. Gaming clubs, art, cooking, and more. The sky’s the limit for the potential your library has to inspire your child.
Encourage Creativity in Kids Tip #4: Encourage Exploration
When you encourage your child to explore their interests, do it open-mindedly. Even if their new art project looks like something exploded in the microwave, they need to explore. As long as they are not putting themselves, others around them, or your home in danger, let them explore!
Be sure not to tell them what they are doing is wrong (outside of safety, of course). Creativity is a lot like brainstorming. Good brainstorming means there are no wrong ideas. As soon as someone tells them, “No that’s not right,” creativity is stifled.
What if your child does not have any current interests? Take them on activities that may inspire an interest in something new. Think about walks, going to museums, and other simple activities.
Encourage Creativity in Kids Tip #5: Don’t Tie Money to Creativity
Many parents debate the idea of giving children an allowance in exchange for doing household chores. Their concern is that money changes the motivation for doing chores. The same is even more true for creativity.
Never reward your child with money for being creative. When money becomes the motivator, it derails the entire creative process. Creativity should exist for the interest in the topic itself and not the money.
Of course, turning one’s interest into a viable career is a good thing! But to encourage creativity in your child, avoid tying money to it.
Encourage an Interest in Science
Want to get all the kids at your child’s school interested in science? My fun and interactive STEM science school assembly “Supermarket Science” is filled with zany experience, music, sound effects, and plenty of join-in fun for budding scientists.
Best of all, this show shows kids how science is all around us. Our lives would be impossible without science! Contact me today for more information.