4 Ways to Help Your Child Feel Safe Going to School

Do you remember feeling nervous about going to school as a child? Many adults do…even if they don’t want to admit it. School can be a frightening place for kids for a lot of reasons. Fortunately, there are simple things we as parents can do to help our children feel more secure at school.

I’m New Jersey school assembly presenter Michael Kirschner. For the last 10+ years, I’ve delivered impactful assembly programs on bullying and science to schools in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and other states. Each month I write articles like this to help busy parents and teachers.

This article reveals four ways to help your child feel safe going to school.

Feel Safe at School Tip #1: Open Communication

Some kids feel like they have to handle everything themselves. Part of it stems from kids wanting to feel mature and grown up. It stems from kids believing their parents and other adults in their lives wouldn’t understand their problems.

For your child to feel safe going to school, they need to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings with you. Start having conversations about their feelings at an early age. Make having these conversations a normal part of your interactions with your child.

Yes, children sometimes withdraw as they get older. This may be natural, but you should still let your child know you’re there for them. You can also encourage them to form a positive relationship with their teacher. Kids who have at least one trusted adult to confide in often feel much safer and confident.

Feel Safe at School Tip #2: Plan Their Route

Does your child walk to and from school? If so, help them plan the safest route possible. Many kids see walking to and from school as an indication they’re growing up. You’ll need to remind them of important safety precautions.

Avoiding dangerous neighborhoods and unsafe areas should be the goal. Encourage your child to stick with their friends for safety. Warn them to keep their music turned off while walking. It’s far too easy to miss an oncoming car or other hazards if they are listening to music with their earbuds while walking.

What about older kids? Do you have a teenager who is itching to drive to school? Teens are regarded as high-risk drivers because they are inexperienced. Practice good safe driving practices with your teen. Consider mapping out and practicing the safest route for them to take to and from school.

Feel Safe at School Tip #3: Discuss Bullying & Options

Many children find themselves the target of a bully or group of bullies. This can be emotionally devastating for kids. I know because bullied as a child. But there is a lot of misunderstanding among kids AND some adults over what bullying actually is.

First, explain to your child that when someone disagrees with you it doesn’t mean it’s bullying. People can argue different points of view. But that’s conflict, not bullying. Bullying is all about an imbalance of power.

Second, explain to your child the different forms of bullying. It’s not okay if someone picks on them continually, even if it’s supposed to be “just teasing.” Bullying takes many forms, from physical, to verbal, cyberbullying, spreading rumors, and much more.

Explain options to your child. Because bullying is about power, encourage your child to avoid any kind of physical confrontation if they can help it. The most important thing your child needs is to feel comfortable approaching a grownup for help.

Feel Safe at School Tip #4: Join Your School’s PTA/PTO

When you join your school’s parent-teacher organization, you’ll have a gateway into the goings-on in your child’s school. You’ll be able to understand school policies, know about important events, and much more.

You’ll have a deeper knowledge of your child’s school and how to deal with the unexpected. Plus you’ll be able to discuss these and other issues with your child. Young kids often subconsciously feel as though their parents are all-knowing. If you know the inner workings of their school, your child may feel more comfortable going to school.

After all, you know what’s happening and you’ve got their back.

Help Every Child Feel Safe at School

My “Abracabully” school assembly program on bullying addresses bullying in an interactive fun way. Using powerful storytelling, magic, and audience interaction, I let children know that being bullied is not their fault. Most importantly, I provide them with simple strategies to handle a bullying situation. Contact me today for more information.