4 Reasons Why School Assemblies Are Important for Children

It’s no secret that school budgets are tightening all the time. Administrators are told to save money. Schedules are scrutinized. Every part of the school day must be educational, the higher-ups say. However, most schools still understand the value of incoming assembly programs.
I’m school assembly presenter Michael Kirschner. For the last 10+ years, I’ve performed educational and fun-filled school assemblies in NJ, PA, NY, FL, and other states. Teachers and parents praise my ability to blend fun with education to help children remember the key points of a topic.
Because some people feel school assemblies are a waste of time and funds, I decided to point out some of the key benefits of hosting assembly programs. Let’s get started…
School Assembly Benefit #1: Get Kids Interested in a Topic
Some children avoid certain subjects. They may feel as though the topics are boring, too hard, or have no use in the real world. A great assembly can help kids see the topic from a different point of view.
Science is sometimes thought to be boring. But my “Supermarket Science” STEM assembly shows kids how science is all around us. By showing students how science is part of their everyday lives, we quash the idea that science doesn’t matter in the outside world.
Bullying is another important topic students misunderstand or show no interest in. But my “Abracabully” school assembly on bullying demonstrates to kids the different forms of bullying. This assembly program shows kids what to do if they ever see someone being bullied.
This extends to teachers, too. Teachers can discuss the important points of the assembly. They can use its content to reinforce subjects and lessons taught in the classroom.
School Assembly Benefit #2: How to Be an Audience
Each of us has a little tiny machine in our pockets that can entertain and amuse us for hours on end. But all of this wonderful technology has cut us off from those around us. Many of us are so accustomed to being isolated with our devices that we are forgetting how to interact with each other in the real world.
Incoming school assemblies teach kids how to be an audience. They discover what it’s like to watch a live presentation. They learn how to behave in a group. And they learn how to be mindful of how their actions affect those around them to enjoy the live presentation. Of course, they also discover how their behavior affects the performers, too!
School Assembly Benefit #3: Bonding Experience with Classmates
Let’s go back to the whole isolation problem with technology for a moment. This technology doesn’t just cut us off from those around us physically. It cuts us off emotionally too. Many of us don’t feel connected to anything but the digital world.
An effective school assembly can bond students together. They laugh and watch their classmates get involved in the show. And the experience doesn’t have to end with the show itself. Kids can continue to bond after the show is over. They can discuss their favorite parts, what the messages were about, and more.
School Assembly Benefit #4: A Break from the Norm
School administrators are being told to accomplish more each day. That creates pressure on the kids. While learning each day is critical, everyone does need a break. Remember that the brain is a muscle.
When a person exercises their arms, legs, and other muscles, they develop well. But exercising without a break can quickly burn a person out. They can injure themselves and not want to work out anymore.
Daily school life is the same thing. Since our brains are muscles too, it’s easy to overwork them. When children are mentally exhausted, they won’t retain as much new information. Kids need a break. So do teachers!
An effective assembly program gives everyone a break. They get to watch and enjoy a fun program. Even educational assemblies (my specialty) give kids the break they need. They see information presented differently and can have fun at the same time.